You know you are getting old when you discuss your health with everyone you know whenever you see anyone you know! Our friends and family in our age group are all saying the same thing to us: getting old sucks, and don't ask me how I am because you really don't need to know....
Ken finally got to see the thoracic surgeon who has been discussing Ken with the lung specialist, who told him last month that the surgeon was not prepared to operate on Ken's lungs. But Ken wasn't content to live with that advice, and asked for an appointment to see the surgeon himself. We went there on Monday this week, and although the news wasn't really very good, at least Ken knows more about his condition.
Dr. S. studied the x-rays and scans, and explained to us why he was reluctant to operate. He pointed out the nodule on the lastest scan and said it was a cancer, but it was too early to tell if it was benign or malignant. He said they will monitor it, and if it grows, he will take the risk of operating on Ken to remove the nodule and at the same time remove the worst part of the diseased lung. Not one to mince his words, he warned Ken that it could go either way. If it grows and they didn't operate, Ken will die. If they operate and it is unsuccessful, he will still die. Take your pick! So, we are hoping it won't grow any more, in which case Ken will be better off living with the diseased lung, and having to moderate his lifestyle accordingly. Dr S. said he thinks Ken is doing very well under the circumstances, and should be able to continue as he is for another couple of years if there is no change to the nodule.
I got to see a rheumatologist yesterday, about my continuing aches, some of which have been blamed on the accident I had 40 years ago, as well as osteoarthritis, osteoporisis, and getting old! After years of treatments by chiropractors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, acupuncture, and GPs, I wanted to consult someone who specialises in the field of aches and pains with no known cause. I took along with me all the X rays and scans I've had in the last 20 years, letters from various doctors and specialists, and a list of the areas which are bothering me (neck, back, knees and feet).
Dr L. glanced briefly at them, and asked me a lot of questions which seemed to me quite irrelevant, then he gave me a physical examination without removing any of my clothes. Stranger and stranger, I thought. When I asked him about it, he said that he looks beyond what everyone else sees, and going by my responses, thinks I may have another form of arthritis, as my symptoms aren't the usual signs of osteoarthritis. I know there are many forms of arthritis, but I've been told so often that I have the osteo version, I've just gone along with it, although come to think of it, one person did say it wasn't osteo - the Chinese medicine doctor who has used acupuncture on me successfully several times. Dr L. has booked me in for a blood test and a bone scan, so I have to make an appointment to get that done soon, as he wants to see me in 3 weeks' time.
In the meantime, Ken and I are in our fourth week at Shapemaster Studio, doing 45 minutes exercise three times a week. We are both feeling marginally better for it, so we are going to stick at it for another six months, as some of the other (older) people who have been going there for a few months have told us it has greatly improved their fitness level.
Well, you didn't ask, but you got it - our health report! Sorry about that, but I needed to document it for personal reasons, and decided this was as good a place as any.