I have had such an interesting day. I took my Japanese Do Care friend to
Suzuran, a Japanese food store in Camberwell. She'd been asking me for ages to take her there, and today was convenient for both of us. Atsuko stocked up on supplies for herself, as well as some Sushi for our lunch (why aren't Australian take-away food containers as pretty as this?)
and I bought a few items that looked interesting:
Japanese beer for Ken (he likes trying different beers) and a cute pink bottle bubbly wine for me,
Two packs of "instant" Miso soup to be sampled with my friends who love Japanese food,
Peanut-toffee biscuit things and interested coffee flavoured lollies, also to share with above friends.
When I got home, I found dozens of pink and grey galahs on our front verandah, fighting over the few seeds that were left, so I put out a heap more seed, and was almost blown off the steps by the breeze from their wings flapping! I've put the photos on my Aussie birds blog
It was raining steadily for most of today, but inbetween showers I managed to cut some sprays from our beautiful Golden Wattle (Acacia) tree, which is flowering profusely for the first time in its short life of two years. I'm taking this over to MIL tomorrow, as she loves fresh flowers, especially this variety of Acacia.
No wonder this was chosen to be our National Flower - out of all the native Acacias here, the Golden Wattle has to be the loveliest.
To top all that off, I received another ATC in the mail from England, and got a frame for my Cat Stretching cross stitch. You can find them both