Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

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Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Friday, December 09, 2005

It's been another busy but rewarding week..

Anyone who has trouble filling in their days, ought to think about volunteering to help less fortunate people, whether they are elderly, disabled, or just socially isolated for other reasons. Of course if you are one of these people who don't like other people, you can always volunteer to work with animals! I love animals too, but I have found my niche with my 'oldies'. That term might sound disrespectful, but it is spoken with affection, and my oldies know that. They refer to themselves as oldies with a laugh!

My original plans for Tuesday fell in a heap when my friend L. phoned me on Monday night to say she was going for a job interview on Tuesday afternoon, so would not be able to join us for lunch. As I can only transport one lady at a time in my car, due to them all relying on walking frames, it meant that I wouldn't be able to pick both ladies up for lunch. That little problem resolved itself when one of them (M.) called me early on Tuesday to say she wasn't well enough to go out. So that left me with B. to take out. I collected her as planned, and we decided to have a simple lunch of toasted raisin bread and coffee at a local cafe. Following that, we decided to visit M. at the hostel where she lives, and she was so happy to see us! We had been there about an hour, when who should turn up but L. - fresh from her job interview! She had been driving past and spotted my car, so she thought it would be worthwhile dropping in, and so the four of us got together as planned after all, even though we hadn't gone out anywhere special.

Yesterday (Thursday) I made my monthly visit to my elderly Japanese friend who was as always delighted to see me, and prepared to feed me vast quantities of Japanese food which I love, but do not feel like eating at 3 o'clock in the afternoon! She understood when I explained that I had already had lunch, and couldn't fit any more in just then, so she carefully packed everything up and gave it to me to take home for dinner. It was delicious! She has forbidden me to buy her gifts, but she insists on giving me one at Christmas! But I still give her a card. I will keep her gift to open on Christmas Day.

She is having trouble with one of her neighbours - how hard it must be to have limited English skills, and not be able to discuss an issue with your I phoned the local council and spoke to them on her behalf, and they promised to try and resolve the issue. It is easy for me to do this for her, and the reason I am writing all this, is to hopefully encourage at least one person out there in cyberspace who may be reading this, to think about visiting someone who needs help. There are so many people in situations where they are unable to speak for themselves, and it doesn't cost anything to do these small favours for them. Oh, perhaps the cost of petrol or public transport to and fro, but I fervently believe that whatever one contributes to the wellbeing of another, it will bounce back to you tenfold some time in the future.


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