It's not so bad.
The panel beater phoned today - the insurance assessor had been out and authorised the repairs to my car. It will be fixed in about two weeks. YaaY!! My dear friend Val came over today to keep me company, and as usual had lots of crafty things to show me. I have a collection of hand made cards which I've received in recent years, and never known how to display them. I've tried putting them in photo albums of all kinds, but they didn't all fit, and you couldn't see inside them anyway, so they just ended up in a box. Val is great with all kinds of paper crafts, especially making little books to be journals or whatever you want them to be, and she figured out a way I could 'bind' my cards together. It is too intricate to explain here, but when I have completed what she started me on today, I'll post some photos. It really is a nifty way to keep cards together. We spent an hour on this before we had a bite to eat, then because it was such a lovely day here in Melbourne, we decided to walk down to Main Street and back, about an hour's walk.
Tomorrow, another friend is coming over for a while and will bring her son to see our chickens. He breeds chooks himself and has won heaps of ribbons and prizes for his hens and roosters. Our rooster and one hen were from fertile eggs he gave us last year, to put under a clucky Bantam hen. C. is a stitcher, with some experience in patchwork, and she promised to help me finish off some of my nearly finished patchwork projects.
I'll walk around to see Helen on Thursday or Friday, seeing I can't take her out for coffee as I do sometimes. And my other friend G. around the corner is always keen to go for a walk. So being without my car for a while will probably be a good thing!
Tomorrow, another friend is coming over for a while and will bring her son to see our chickens. He breeds chooks himself and has won heaps of ribbons and prizes for his hens and roosters. Our rooster and one hen were from fertile eggs he gave us last year, to put under a clucky Bantam hen. C. is a stitcher, with some experience in patchwork, and she promised to help me finish off some of my nearly finished patchwork projects.
I'll walk around to see Helen on Thursday or Friday, seeing I can't take her out for coffee as I do sometimes. And my other friend G. around the corner is always keen to go for a walk. So being without my car for a while will probably be a good thing!
So glad they can fix the car. It is awful to have to go start the process again of looking for another one. Happened to me twice and neither time my fault but cars totalled then we had to go get another one.
I will be anxious to see your friend's idea of making the cards into a book. We received tons of beautiful cards for our 50th. anniversery and I keep saying I can't just throw them out but what to do with them. I will wait and see what you come up with.
Maybe that would be a good question to put out there - what to make with the cards.
ps - Walking is good for the soul - he he.
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