Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is anyone out there?

Ever feel like you are talking to yourself? I visit blogs which have a dozen comments on every post, and I contribute my two bob's worth now and then. Some of the other blogs I visit don't have many comments at all, but I go back because I enjoy reading them, regardless of whether anyone else does or not. Still, you do wonder sometimes if your own visitors have tapered off and moved on to fresh pastures. Is Patra's Place getting boring? There is a lot of competition out there, not only blogs, but Facebook and Twitter, neither of which I've taken on. I'm happy doing what I do, and keeping up with my favourite blogs takes an hour or so each day.

If you are reading this now, and feel up to leaving a comment, I'll comment right back to you. If I can. I know there are a few people who read blogs but don't have one themselves, and are therefore blocked from commenting on others. Sorry 'bout that.

For those who just visit blogs to see pretty pictures, here is a photo. I made a teacup card last month, and my elderly Japanese friend asked if I would make her a teapot card. I took it over there yesterday, and she loves it.


Blogger Linens and Royals said...

Yes, that is a pretty picture. Is the teapot padded and what is around the edge of the pot? I,d like to do something similar one day....

Thursday, 18 March, 2010  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Sylvia, I traced the outline of the teapot from an image I found on the internet, then cut the teapot out of Japanese paper, and glued it on to black craft paper. The gold is peel-off trim from a scrapbooking shop. Easy!
Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, 18 March, 2010  
Blogger Pam said...

Hi Gina,

You're certainly never boring!

Sunday, 21 March, 2010  
Blogger cell said...

hey! i do read your blog but i usually blogsurf around after 10 hours at work so i'm too brain dead to think of interesting things to comment! keep up the good work. i find your posts on everyday life, crafts and meeting your friends really interesting.

Sunday, 21 March, 2010  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Oh, thanks Isabelle and Cell! I love your blogs too ;-)

Monday, 22 March, 2010  

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