Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Clumsy fool that I am!

I mentioned briefly on one of my other blogs that I had wrecked my camera. I was on an opshop trawl with a friend, and was taking photos of each shop, inside and out (with the permission of the managers who were delighted to hear they would be getting some online publicity on our opshop blog!). At the first opshop, the zip on my shoulder bag broke, and I wasn't happy about continuing to use the bag with all the contents at risk of dropping out at some stage. So I figured I may as well make the most of being in an opshop, and bought another bag - a nice beige leather one, but with no zip. Instead it had a button-down flap arrangement. You girls know how long it takes to get used to a new bag! and at the third opshop we visited, I was fumbling around in it, when I lost my grip, and it fell to the hard floor with a crash. My mobile was okay, but when I tried to use the camera it wouldn't work. All I got was a message on the screen saying the stabiliser wasn't working or something.
So that was the end of my opshop photos, but it didn't spoil our day - we still had fun! On the way home I stopped at Dick Smith's in Eltham to ask their advice, and the shop assistant who served me was able to explain what was wrong with the camera. He said the stabiliser is a tiny sensor that keeps the photo steady if your hands are unsteady, and if it is broken, it can't be fixed. When Ken got home, I told him the camera didn't work any more. I didn't tell him I dropped it. Well, I didn't lie! I just didn't mention it...(smacks self for being dishonest). Ken was annoyed, because it was his camera originally, and he gave it to me when he bought his I-phone and was able to take photos with that.
Next day, we went to Ted's Camera Store over at Greensborough, and the salesman there said pretty much the same thing as Dick Smith's man - although he said he could send it away to be looked at, which would cost $60, and if it could be fixed, it would cost another $100. But why do that when I could get a new camera for $100, which would be much superior to the old one, which is now about 6 years old. I asked if it was common for digital cameras to break down like that and he said "Yes, but has it been dropped?" I looked wide-eyed and said "Probably", and Ken said "Not by me!" and glared at me! Oops.
The upshot of all this was us buying TWO cameras - a nice little Pentax for me for $99, and a slightly better one for Ken - a Nikon, for nearly $300. He justified his purchase by saying that although the Iphone is handy to take photos on the run, they aren't as good as he would like. Many years ago, we both had good SLR cameras and Ken took excellent photos, so he's missing that now, and decided to get something worthwhile to photograph his aviary birds and birds in the wild, which can't be done as well with a phone camera. He said he may as well spend the money while he is still working, and as I said to his Mum today when I was visiting her, the way he(we?) spend money, he'll be working until the day he drops off his perch...

This is my first experimental photo with my new Pentax. Tiger was kneading a spot for himself on our bed.   As you can tell, I've got a way to go before I get the hang of the camera!  Kitty is a bit blurred in the above photo, and it wasn't because he was moving!


Blogger Gina E. said...

Someone who works with Ken saw this on my blog and told Ken, who came home and said "B. told me you said on your blog that you did drop the camera". Ouch. It's not only Facebook that can get one into trouble!

Friday, 01 June, 2012  

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