Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

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Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year Clean Ups!

I seem to be getting a reputation. A couple of weeks ago, I was putting stuff away in the pantry at the home of one of my disabled home care clients, and I got exasperated because there was no more space to put anything. So I asked her if she would mind me cleaning out the pantry, and she was quite happy for me to do it. An hour later, I called her in to the kitchen and when she saw her re-organised pantry she couldn't believe the difference! There was actually space for more stuff, but I warned her not to go impulse buying just because there was now more room!

On Thursday, I was strolling through the shops in Eltham when I met my friend H. who immediately said "come and have a coffee" and as I had nothing better to do, I agreed. We were discussing our budgets and the cost of food, and H. said "I can't understand how you can keep your food purchases under $100 a week. There is only two of us but I seem to spend double that". I explained how I check my pantry before going shopping, write a list of what I need, and stick to it. She said "I have no idea what's in my pantry - I just buy stuff when I see it on special in case I need it".

I said "Would you like me to come and organise it for you?" and she replied "Oh YES! Today?? Come for lunch!" When I arrived at her home an hour later, H. had nearly everything out of her pantry and on the benches. She was already exclaiming over the pile of things to be chucked out, that were past their 'use by' date. I showed her how to allocate shelf space to categories of food, so she had all the baking stuff on one shelf, all the canned food on another, and so on. We found she had bought several packets of a few items without realising she already had some, because it had got pushed to the back behind other things, so we consolidated the duplicate items into one container. It took a couple of hours but it was well worth the effort, as she has learnt her lesson about checking her supplies first before she goes shopping in future. Today (Friday) another H.C. client asked me to clean out her pantry, and again, after an hour, I had it organised so she could see at a glance what was there. She also was pleased as punch to see it done.

I love tidying up cupboards - pantries, linen cupboards, fridges too. When I was an office worker, I would try to get any filing done before other people had a chance to do it, as I seemed to have a better idea than most about alpha/numeric filing systems! Ken used to have all his papers in a concertina folder. At tax time I would say where are your payslips? He would get out his folder and look under P (for Payslips), W (for wages or work), T (for tax) and I couldn't help giggling. He would get so annoyed, firstly because I was laughing and secondly because he couldn't find anything! In the end, I emptied the top drawer of my filing cabinet and made it available to him. But I got it ready first, with suspension files already labelled and in order. Now, every time he goes to look for something, he comes over all business-like! Do you think I could do this for a living? Maybe it is the Aries factor? I seem to have a knack for it. If you don't have the knack, and you are too far away for me to come and do yours, you might find this website useful: Pantry Clean Up - Organizational tips.


Blogger DellaB said...

Hi Gina, just popped over from a comment you left at Pea's corner - saw that you are 'nearly' sixty, and now see that you are in Australia too... glad I came by...
off now to have a read through your blogs, looks very interesting!

nice to meet you

Saturday, 13 January, 2007  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Hi Della,
Thanks for dropping by - visitors are always welcome! I had a quick peep at your blog a minute ago, but will return later to read more thoroughly and will comment then.

Sunday, 14 January, 2007  
Blogger Carole Burant said...

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Sunday, 14 January, 2007  
Blogger Tea said...

Hi Gina, thanks for visiting my blog :)
I want a pantry LOL! Off to read more.


Sunday, 14 January, 2007  
Blogger Pear tree cottage! said...

:o) now we could start with the pantry if you like............then extend to room by room if you are feelinmg up to it! lol lol just kidding Gina, what a gem you are doing that for them. you have made me feel so guilty I am off now to put all the sugar in the one jar! lol lol lol

tell Ken I just made some of that mayo (yummo!) you know what I am talking about for sure. mustard etc.

Thursday, 18 January, 2007  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Lee-ann, I would be very happy to organise your pantry next time we are visiting! Not sure about the rest of the house though - that would be a bit of a challenge!
I will tell Ken we have another convert to his mayonnaise...he's asleep right now (this weather is knocking him around...)

Friday, 19 January, 2007  

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