Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday 17th February - a special day.

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will know that my MIL (Mother In Law) has been living with us since January 19th. Today is her 96th birthday. She was determined to show me she is in fine form, as when I returned after an absence of half an hour this morning, I found her dressed and sitting in the lounge, and her bed made! I gasped when I walked in and saw her, and she laughed at my reaction. "Don't you think I'm good for anything any more?" she asked. Well, considering we thought she was dying a month ago, and I've been helping her get dressed every day since then, you might understand my surprise! We had lunch together in the kitchen while she opened her stack of birthday cards. As I type this, she is in the lounge, watching her favourite t.v. shows.


Blogger Finding My Way said...

Happy Birthday to your MIL!!! I hope she enjoyed her day. :) HUGS

Thursday, 19 February, 2009  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Thank you Patty! I will pass your good wishes on to MIL in the morning. She will be delighted to hear that one of my cyberspace friends has sent her a message! She is fascinated by what I do on the internet with blogging, ebay bidding, etc. A whole new world to her!

Friday, 20 February, 2009  
Blogger FredaB said...

Hi Gina

Tell your MIL that a friend from the States who lives 6 winter months (right now) in Florida and the other 6 in Chicago is wishing her a very Happy birthday and many more to come. I would like to read about her 100th. birthday party. I have only ever been to one. I was visiting my sister in Toronto and a friend was having a 100th. birthday for her father and invited me. My sister said you have to come because how many of these will you be invited to. A lot more I hope.

When I see her picture she reminds me of my Mum who lived to 91 and my older aunties who are all gone by now.

My best to you all.


Friday, 20 February, 2009  
Blogger Merle said...

Dear Gina ~~ I am so sorry I didn't get to wish your MIL a Happy Birthday on the day. Anyway , a very Happy belated Birthday dear Mrs Wilson, Snr. That day I went shopping and then cooked all afternoon and overdid it. So no more I am having trouble walking early in the mornings - well I mean when I first get up, until the Panadol- Osteo kicks in. Glad you enjoyed the jokes. I will find some later on. Take care, Love, Merle.

Saturday, 21 February, 2009  
Blogger Astrid said...

Hi, Gina,
all my best wishes for MIL - happy belated birthday! Wonderful that she feels so fine.

Sunday, 22 February, 2009  

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