Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What did I say about Winter in Melbourne?

I said on my post here on Saturday that it is cold here. Well, today (Wednesday) it SNOWED in some outer suburbs of Melbourne. Including Kinglake. Which is not technically a suburb of Melbourne, but it is not that much further on. Here is a writeup in one of our newspapers. I heard a Kinglake resident talking on the radio this morning, saying how unreal it felt. Four months ago they were on fire, with temperatures up to 47 deg. C., and now it is snowing. The burnt out buildings, the blackened landscape, are all covered with a white blanket, as if Mother Nature is trying to hide the scars of a cruel summer. All very pretty, but when the snow melts, the continuing clean-up work will be made all the more difficult as it turns into mud and slush. And think too, of the people who are living in caravans and other temporary accomodation while they rebuild their homes. They must be freezing up there. No, Mother Nature - you are not kind at all.

The MOTH and I were back at the doctor today for a follow up visit after his diagnosis on Sunday. Ken wanted to go back to work today, but I ignored him and rang his boss to say Ken wouldn't be in for the rest of this week. Doc.Smith agreed with me, and said if Ken is still having breathing problems, he should not be at working driving around in this weather. He advised Ken to have the rest of this week off and gave him a medical certificate.

Doc. checked me over again and decided that I didn't have pleurisy after all, but the pain in my shoulders and back should be seen to. So we went to Ken's chiropractor later on, and after looking at the last Xrays that were taken of my neck (in 2006), he checked out the neck area and found that there was some deterioration there, causing the referred pain to my shoulders and back. He did some minor manipulation, sent me off for new Xrays, and said to come back again on Friday, when he would give me further treatment, depending on what the Xrays show.
While the radiologist was checking the Xrays to see if they were good enough, he asked the usual question that every doctor and specialist has asked me when they've seen Xrays of my neck - "What the hell have you done to your neck?". I told him, and he said "Well, I hope M.(the chiropractor) can help you. It looks bad".


Blogger Sharon said...

Oh G!!!! You poor thing... Just when things were looking brighter with your neck too... Between us I don't think there is enough good parts to make up a new person... All my love to you both...

Thursday, 11 June, 2009  
Blogger Crazee4books said...

Hi Gina,

I've been catching up some on your
blog this evening and as always am
amused by the thought that you are
experiencing your Winter now while
here we are nearing the end of
Spring and the start of summer.

The weather here has been all over
the map as far as conditions are
concerned. A few days of normal
temperatures and sun, then days of
cooler then should be temperatures
and rain.

Some years the weather will seem
to change in an instant from cool and damp Spring to hot and dry Summer, but so far this year that hasn't happened.

I take it snow is not a regular
feature of winter in your area???

I'm sorry to hear that you've been
entertaining the flue in your
house lately. Phil is enjoying a
cold at the moment and I'm keeping
my distance from him as best I can
until he is over the worst. He's
also been banished to the front
bedroom (sound familiar??) to
sleep for the duration. Hopefully
this won't last too long (and I
won't catch it) but he's going to
miss the last choir practice of
the season tomorrow because of it.

Gosh, I hope the Chiropractor will
be able to help give you some
relief from the pain in your back
and shoulders. At least it isn't
Pleurisy. Small comfort, but there
you are.

I loved reading about the post
cards that the kids in England
made for the kids who'd lost
their homes and school in the
horrible fires on Black Saturday.
What a wonderful idea to make
cards to share in the community
to let the people there know
that they haven't been forgotten.

I'm still walking, and have been
staying out longer and added
more distance to my route. On
Sunday I walked for about an hour
and twenty minutes. The one good
thing about the cool weather that
we're having is that it makes the
walking comfortable for me. You're
so right about exercise being so
important for blood pressure and
Cholesterol, although thankfully
I've never had problems with
either. But I had a very
sedentary lifestyle up until
March and so my body is probably
wondering what is going on these
days with me. At weigh in yesterday I reached the milestone of loosing
over 20 pounds and am thrilled
about that.

This is getting a bit long here
so I'd better wrap this "letter"


Thursday, 11 June, 2009  
Blogger Jeanette said...

Hi Gina.Sorry to hear you and Ken are still feeling very poorly, and I hope you can some treatment to ease the pain in yor neck and shoulder,and wish you both a very speedy recovery,
My heart goes out to the people living in vans on there fire ravaged property, now its snowing,they will be finding it hard to keep warm around a small heater,Nature can be cruel..Take care keep warm Love Jen

Thursday, 11 June, 2009  
Blogger Pam said...

I've been enjoying catching up with your posts. The postcard project is wonderful, and so like you. You're such a warmhearted person. I hope you and Ken feel better soon and the blues vanish from you (and also the snow!)

Saturday, 13 June, 2009  

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