Saturday Night Musings.
It's been one of 'Those' weeks. Another one of Those Weeks, I should say. I feel like I've been having Those Weeks all year. Ken became ill last weekend and had all week off work. Several visits to the doctor, several blood etc. tests and X-Rays later, Doc. could find nothing much wrong except the condition of Ken's liver, which appeared to be fighting an infection. He explained that he could tell this from the white blood cell count in the blood test. He checked Ken over to see if he had an infection in his throat, nose, ears, chest, but nothing showed up, so he said he had to assume it was a virus of some sort, about which there is nothing that can be done except rest and let the body do its own thing. Hence the week off work.
Ken spent five days either in bed or lying around the house, drinking water and eating boiled rice. It was so bloody hot all week that I did much of the lying around the house too, after the essential housework was done early in the morning to beat the heat. The rest and the diet has obviously worked, because today (Saturday) Ken drove across town in 32 deg. heat to get some bits for his bikes, and on the way home we stopped at an icecream parlour and indulged in enormous icecream cones, without any ill effects. We had roast lamb for tea and Ken had a glass of wine for the first time in seven days. He is not a heavy drinker by any means - two glasses of red with his meal and afterwards is about all he has most days.
We spent some time sitting outside after tea, as there was a refreshing cool breeze, but once the mosquitoes arrived, we headed back inside. Ken has spent the rest of the evening in the garage working on his bikes, and I've been stitching in front of the t.v., until I came on here to check the Lotto results. Nothing to celebrate there, as usual.
We've been invited out to tea tomorrow night, which will be a real treat, as we haven't seen these friends for a few months, so it will be great to catch up on their overseas trip and other news.
Ken spent five days either in bed or lying around the house, drinking water and eating boiled rice. It was so bloody hot all week that I did much of the lying around the house too, after the essential housework was done early in the morning to beat the heat. The rest and the diet has obviously worked, because today (Saturday) Ken drove across town in 32 deg. heat to get some bits for his bikes, and on the way home we stopped at an icecream parlour and indulged in enormous icecream cones, without any ill effects. We had roast lamb for tea and Ken had a glass of wine for the first time in seven days. He is not a heavy drinker by any means - two glasses of red with his meal and afterwards is about all he has most days.
We spent some time sitting outside after tea, as there was a refreshing cool breeze, but once the mosquitoes arrived, we headed back inside. Ken has spent the rest of the evening in the garage working on his bikes, and I've been stitching in front of the t.v., until I came on here to check the Lotto results. Nothing to celebrate there, as usual.
We've been invited out to tea tomorrow night, which will be a real treat, as we haven't seen these friends for a few months, so it will be great to catch up on their overseas trip and other news.
Gina it seemed as if we had a summer like that also. I was hoping after we arrived in Florida and no more doctor visits but then Harv picked up that bug and back to the docs again. He is better now but I know just how you feel. Like it is never going to end. I guess it will end when we all end.
Well that sounds bad and I didn't mean it that way. Hopefully for both of us it will be a better time ahead. Keep your chin up girl.
Dear Gina ~~ I am so sorry that Ken
has been so sick and hope he continues to improve. It sure is due to be hot tomorrow, Thursday. Grrr.
Peter just arrived so I will close this. Glad you liked the Citibank joke. Jeanette hasn't been having a good time with her eyes. Peter and I will go to see her. I have only been able to ring her. Take care,
Love, Merle.
Oh dear, poor you. Glad Ken is feeling better. Hope next week is an improvement!
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