Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

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Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year resolutions..

I don't usually make new year resolutions, but I've made three already this year, one of which I've already fulfilled: I've thrown out my oldest slippers!!! I've had them for more years than I can remember, and they have been the most comfortable slip-ons I've ever had, so even though they had holes in the toes, and the sole was wearing out, I kept on wearing them around the house. Ken was always nagging me to get rid of them because they looked so awful, and I've finally given in. Why is it that men want to keep all their old comfortable clothes, but don't like their women to do the same thing?

The second resolution is to keep up with Pam Kellogg's "One Biscornu a Month" plan. This won't mean anything to those of you who are not needlecrafters, so I won't bore you with the details, but if you do want to know more, just click on the link and read about it. While you are reading Pam's blog, have a look at the photo she took of their garden under a blanket of snow. She makes the comment that people on the other side of the world often express a desire to see a White Christmas, and she says "You can have it!" I had to laugh - all those bloggers complain about the cold, and the mess after the snow melts, but you keep on posting beautiful photos, so it must mean something to you! I love seeing snowy scenes on my friends' blogs; Isabelle in Scotland is another one who has gorgeous Christmas card type photos.

My third resolution is easy enough, but whether we (Ken and I) remember to do it for the next 364 days, is another thing. Ken installed a rainwater gauge last year, but didn't keep a record of the rainfall. So I bought him a rainfall chart for Xmas, and we plan to record all the rain this coming year. I just went out and had a look at it, and from 8 pm last night until now, we have had 19 millimetres.
That's a lot of rain for us! The garden is looking great - can plants look happy? I think so - they look all clean, green, and freshly washed.

Our 'resident pair' of Rainbow Lorikeets arrived a few minutes ago, demanding their breakfast. I asked where they slept last night in all that rain, but they just chirped at me impatiently.

Speaking of plants, we planted this native hibiscus last week. It loves hot sun, and as if to prove that, this is what it looked like yesterday in 40 deg. heat!


Blogger FredaB said...

Hi Gina

I know it is already the New Year down under but Happy New Year to both you and Ken and may he have fewer health problems in the coming year.

When I am in Chicago I am not far from Pam K's place so I too know about all that snow but we are also retired and old enough to get away from it and come to Florida. Surprising when I saw your hibiscus we have been having cold weather this christmas and it is going down near freezing this coming week at night and the hibiscus plants here are the first to get hit. They do come back eventually but it is sad to see them go down. People don't realize Florida can get so cold.

I love looking at your birds. I told my husband if we didn't go back and forth I would like to have a bird as a pet. Maybe some day we will stay in one place and not be gypsies forever.



Friday, 01 January, 2010  
Blogger Linens and Royals said...

Happy New Year and yes time for those slippers to go. Thank you for introducing me to Kitty and Me designs, so pretty.
Book Crossing, what a good idea, you do get to interesting places and find unusual items, and I love your garden.

Friday, 01 January, 2010  
Blogger Pam said...

Happy New Year to you and Ken. Hope it's a good one! And glad you're getting some rain. I could send you some snow if you'd like to try some of that?

Friday, 01 January, 2010  
Blogger Gina E. said...

LOL Isabelle - are you sure you can spare some snow??

Monday, 04 January, 2010  

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