I'm not alone in cyberspace!
Sylvia and Judy B. have responded to my call asking how many bloggers are reading this, and I have had several emails from other people who don't have blogs, but used the email facility to contact me and say that they enjoy my blog. I love making new friends, both close by and on the Net, and one of the best things about the Net is seeing how other people live - their homes, hobbies, families, and urban environments. That is one of the reasons I put so many photos of Eltham and Melbourne on my blogs, so that people overseas who are not likely to ever get here can see my little bit of Australia. I am going to add more photos to my new Marvellous Melbourne blog, and by the way, there is a great website called We Love Melbourne, which has all sorts of info, mostly for people living here, but nice for others to visit too.
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