More flowers blooming in our garden.
I'm not what you would call a gardener by any stretch of the imagination, but I do get a kick of seeing plants flowering in our yard. Ken and I go in spurts when it comes to new plants; we'll be passing a nursery, or shopping in a shop that sells potted plants, and we'll decide on impulse to buy stuff to fill in a spot somewhere. There are a lot of 'spots' in our front and back yards, and certain friends of ours who are keen gardeners would give their right arm to run amok in our place! But we like to just put things in at random and if they live - good, if they die, we replace them eventually. The last 10 years have been hit or miss with the survival of new plants, due to the drought, but now the rains have returned with a vengeance, those plants that did survive, are blooming profusely. So here are some more photos of the Survivors:
These trees (there are two, one each side of the clothesline) have been here since we've been here (30 years), so they are not new. I can't remember what they are called...Vibernum? As pretty as they look this year because they have never had so many flowers in previous years, they are a nuisance when in flower like this, as the flowers fall all over the washing on the line and I have to shake everything out before bringing it inside. 28th October. Have just found out these plants are Photinias.

We pride ourselves on trying to grow native plants instead of exotics, but we get sucked in by the labels showing beautiful flowers! This is a Trailing Lotus, which is native to the Canary Islands. (I got all this info. from Google)

This one is called Calibrachoa Million Bells. Not a native Aussie either.

We've had this on the east side (shaded) of the house for several years, and while the leaves have looked healthy enough, it has only just come into flower. It is a Clivia Belgian Hybrid (still got the label attached!) and originated in South Africa.
These trees (there are two, one each side of the clothesline) have been here since we've been here (30 years), so they are not new. I can't remember what they are called...Vibernum? As pretty as they look this year because they have never had so many flowers in previous years, they are a nuisance when in flower like this, as the flowers fall all over the washing on the line and I have to shake everything out before bringing it inside. 28th October. Have just found out these plants are Photinias.
We pride ourselves on trying to grow native plants instead of exotics, but we get sucked in by the labels showing beautiful flowers! This is a Trailing Lotus, which is native to the Canary Islands. (I got all this info. from Google)
This one is called Calibrachoa Million Bells. Not a native Aussie either.
We've had this on the east side (shaded) of the house for several years, and while the leaves have looked healthy enough, it has only just come into flower. It is a Clivia Belgian Hybrid (still got the label attached!) and originated in South Africa.
Hi! Gina, love seeing your garden in full bloom! ours is covered in a lot of grass at the moment almost up to our necks! (smiles) but in the grass is rays! of hope. At the pink breakfast sunday I won a Clivia Belgian in the same orange......and all those on the table wanted it!! hehehehe! hope it likes it in the cold. Hugs to you Lee-Ann
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