Tiger has a new little friend. I opened the back door one day last week and stepping outside, saw a little cat in the yard that looked just like Tiger. But it couldn't be because I'd just left him in the kitchen eating from his bowl. Next minute he came running out after me, and shot up the steps to join this other cat. No fighting, just playing - so cute! Yesterday I managed to get some photos of them, and you can see why I made the mistake of thinking the little visitor was Tiger. We think she is a little girl cat that has been neutered, but a bit hard to tell without a CLOSE inspection. She is very friendly, and smooges against us, and has let us pick her up for a cuddle. We've asked our new neighbours, but they don't own any pets.
Tiger is on the lower step.
Little Visitor looking up at me.
Such a dear little kitty face.
Love that Tiger!
Topsy is bemused, doesn't know what to make of the Newcomer to her back yard. At least she hasn't had a go at the little one.