Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I just finished this cute mat in time for Halloween tomorrow, so I thought I would post a pic here as well as on my Stitching blog. Other than this, we won't be doing anything special to 'celebrate' (do you actually celebrate Halloween??) or otherwise mark the occasion, as Melbourne Cup Day is on the following day, and most people in Oz will be focussing their attention on that more than small witches and wizards running around asking for candy!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Home improvement.

For the 30+ years we've lived in this house, we've had a tiltadoor on the garage - hand operated, not electrical. We've talked about replacing it for ages, and yesterday it was finally done! Ken was like a kid with a new toy - up and down, down and up...garage door I mean.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My sketching skills have improved somewhat!

I spent today at a one day workshop with artist Janet Matthews. Ten of us learnt how to draw a Boobook Owl using coloured pencils (not watercolour pencils). It was a lovely day; as well as being a very good tutor, Janet is very friendly and easy-going, so it was a pleasure to learn her techniques.
She provided this photo of the owl for us to work with, and instructed us to only draw the head, as that is all we would have time for. She was right!

And here is my interpretation:

Vale Marco Simoncelli

I know that most people who read this blog don't know or care about motorcycle sports, but Ken and I are both big fans, and we watch both GP and Superbike races when they are televised. Tonight we were shocked to witness live on tv the accident which resulted in the death of one of the top riders in MotoGP racing - 24 year old Italian Marco Simoncelli.
The following is one of many tributes to Marco now flooding bike websites across the internet:

Marco was flamboyant on and off the track. When someone dies, everyone always says they loved life. But he had a very vibrant personality. He already had a huge fanbase around the world, partly down to aggressive riding - but also because he was just a cool guy. He didn't take himself too seriously and would have been a big star for next year.
Matt Roberts

BBC MotoGP presenter

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Congratulations Casey Stoner!!!

You probably all know about Casey Stoner's win already, but Ken and I are so chuffed!! Ken rode down to the Island on Sunday with one of his mates David. It was a cold wet day, but they wouldn't have missed it for the world, seeing our Top Aussie motorcycle racing ace Casey win the grand prix on home ground, win the world championship, and celebrate his 26th birthday!
Picture from "The Australian" newspaper.

Here is Ken ready to take off at 8 am on Sunday morning on his Suzuki.

David on his Harley Davidson.

Friday, October 07, 2011

I've got a new job!

I've mentioned this on two other blogs, but forgot to post something here, so if you haven't read it elsewhere, I'm working in a volunteer capacity at the Brotherhood of St.Lawrence opshop in Eltham. I'm in there a couple of times a week as a customer with my friends, and when they put a sign on their door asking for volunteers, I thought I may as well work there instead of just hanging around! I am there every Friday morning, and alternate Monday afternoons. Ken say it isn't a real job because I don't get paid - isn't that a typically male thing to say!

I am thoroughly enjoying the experience, helping to sort and price all the stuff that is donated, and it is a real eye-opener in the backroom with the other ladies, to see what people bring in. I would never have believed this little opshop (it is only a little shop) could bring in so much. We get bags and boxes every day, of clothes, books and bric-a-brac, mostly good quality, but occasionally it is just rubbish and has to be thrown out.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Another cat in our yard.

Tiger has a new little friend. I opened the back door one day last week and stepping outside, saw a little cat in the yard that looked just like Tiger. But it couldn't be because I'd just left him in the kitchen eating from his bowl. Next minute he came running out after me, and shot up the steps to join this other cat. No fighting, just playing - so cute! Yesterday I managed to get some photos of them, and you can see why I made the mistake of thinking the little visitor was Tiger. We think she is a little girl cat that has been neutered, but a bit hard to tell without a CLOSE inspection. She is very friendly, and smooges against us, and has let us pick her up for a cuddle. We've asked our new neighbours, but they don't own any pets.

Tiger is on the lower step.

Little Visitor looking up at me.

Such a dear little kitty face.

Love that Tiger!

Topsy is bemused, doesn't know what to make of the Newcomer to her back yard. At least she hasn't had a go at the little one.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

My grand final day!

Well, I must have pissed everyone off after my last post, as nobody reacted one way or the other! I didn't get any feedback about other activities to fill my day, but I managed to do that quite well anyway. Ken was happy to discover some motorcycle racing in Japan being televised, although he snuck back to the football every now and then to see who was winning. (Congratulations to The Cats.) If you want to know what I did, go here to my other blog.

Apart from that, I had some GREAT news last week. I asked the local estate agent how long it would be before our neighbours from hell moved. (The house was sold some time ago). I was told settlement day is November 10th. THANK GOD! The kids have been partying like mad the last week or two, probably in a last allout effort to annoy everyone around here. I'll be letting the other neighbours know that we won't have to put up with these morons much longer - hooray!!

adopt your own virtual pet!