Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

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Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Made in the USA, NOT!

Last week I was browsing the site (American version) and clicked on a link to a discussion. I didn't realise that Amazon have forums/discussion groups, and I spent about two hours going from one topic to another as various items caught my attention. Tonight I found one that was titled "Would you buy somebody a gift if it wasn't made in the USA?" (or words to that effect). WELL! It has blown out to a huge debate, and as the issues are very similar to topics I've been posting on here lately, I read the whole forum from start to finish. One of the writers had this to say, and I thought it was so relevant, I asked permission to reproduced it here. (I haven't had a reply, but I put my blog name on their discussion, so if he or she objects, I will remove this).
As to the idea that no one wants their kids to grow up into a factory worker, why the hell not? Machinists are great skilled factory workers. As are people who build circuit boards, alternators, windshields, TV's etc. I'll be proud of my kids as long as they find a job that they enjoy doing, take pride in, and do it well. Here is the reality, the world only needs so many doctors and engineers. To have quality products it needs good machines, good skilled workers to run them. People to write code for those machines, supervisors to run the crews, People to check quality, skilled assemblers, etc. On one hand people say that Americans do not want factory jobs, but I have to ask on the other hand, what jobs do You want? Without the factory here there is no electrician to service it. No engineer to build the factory production lines, no machinists to run machines or code for them. No manager to oversee, no supervisor, no human resources manager, no safety coordinator, no one building the parts that go into said factory or even the trucks that ship to and from it.
I say it's complete bull with that "service" type economy. ALL JOBS that are profitable rely on manufacturing. You ship all manufacturing to somewhere else, and You slowly shift all profit to that location. When manufacturing ships out of the US, You weaken the country at every level, even it's ability to defend it's self. Get rid of all the skilled workers and factories, who will build the tanks to defend here if china decides to invade due to our corrupt government taking loans they have no intention of paying back. What are we going to ask china and india to build our weapons of war to defend against them invading.

I think there are still a few people reading my blog, and I'm hoping this post will motivate them to post comments here, as I would very much like to know what others think.


Blogger FredaB said...

Hi Patra

I certainly agree with your writer's concept. Growing up in Toronto we had both Collegiate high schools and Technical high schools. If you were heading to a university you went to a collegiate or if not went to a technical school. You had the choice.
Now very few of kids my age went on to Univ. there was only 1 in T - it was the University of Toronto and was very prestigious and mainly for the upper class or very intelligent. Most gals became teachers, nurses or secretarys.

I had just thrown this out at a group at my daughters for one of the kid's birthdays and was shot down. They felt you had to have a Uni degree no matter what you did.
Very American attitude. I knew so many very intelligent people in T who became corporate execs or started their own businesses without college. College became so popular in the US after WWII with the government paying for it with the GI bill. Canada did not have this hence the difference.

Times are different now and T has a lot more colleges but I still don't think as many go as down here in the US.

Just my thoughts.



Tuesday, 24 July, 2012  
Blogger Merle said...

Dear Gina ~~ It seems a lot more young people are going to Uni these days than before when they went and got jobs and managed without the college education.
Thank so musch for your sympathy aon the loss of my b.i.l. I have really felt this loss as we were always friends. He even gave my elder daughter away when her father wouldn't even go to her wedding.
Maybe I wrote the wrong name on that joke, so don't worry about it.I have had it for ages. Take great care my friend. Love, Merle.

Saturday, 28 July, 2012  
Blogger Catherine said...

I agree with the author of the forum post. Technical schools have all but disappeared here. College degrees don`t assure anyone a job in this country. People with degrees are working in burger joints if they can get that. Our government is not investing in young people or trade schools and that`s a mistake.

Wednesday, 05 September, 2012  

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