Getting old and decrepit.
The doctors are all telling me now that I will eventually have to have surgery to fix my neck, "but don't worry - surgical techniques have come a long way in the last few years, and it is not as invasive as it used to be."
Hmmm. Time will tell.
At this stage I can still paint and draw, although I get a bit headachy when my head is bent over my work without a break every few minutes, so I have to watch that. I started the first class of six last week at the Eltham Living and Learnng Centre. The course is called "Drawing for Fun" but the way I was feeling, it wasn't much fun! We had to draw a border around a sheet of paper then throw it over our shoulder. Next we had to draw all over another sheet of paper in any way we liked (I did a kind of zentangle design). The tutor called these exercises 'warming up'. Yup....
Then we were told to draw a knife, fork and spoon from memory. After we'd finished that, she handed out a set of cutlery and a napkin to each person, and instructed us to set them up any way we liked, and draw them. This exercise made sense to me - interesting to see how one draws something from memory, then from reality. I hope I feel beter this time next week. I think I would have had more enthusiasm for the class if I hadn't beem feeling so ill, and I'm sure once I'm back to my normal cheerfu self, I'll be able to enjoy the class.