Why am I doing this?
But why am I restless and discontented now? I had one half hour job early this morning (to shower a disabled client), and my only other job for today is at 2 pm. So I was home by 10 am with four free hours in front of me. I put the kettle on for a cuppa to eat with the donuts I had just bought, and sat down to open the mail. One phone bill, and two parcels. One is an eBay win, and the other is from Nicole, who had found some cross stitch charts in an opshop (going by the price tag of 20c!) and sent them to me - how kind people are! Thanks again Nicole - I will be emailing you shortly.
Having done that, I thought about what to do next. No more Games on tv to watch, and I don't normally watch daytime tv anyway, so I thought about making those obligatory phone calls. Do you ever have that feeling - you know you should be doing something - not even a difficult thing - but you just can't be bothered? So I decided to jump online and check out all my web stuff. There was an email from a group that I had joined last year, but not posted anything to since, and there were messages from other groups that I hadn't got around to keeping up with. I read my favourite blogs last night, so I am up to date with those online friends. Last night I also paid for my current ebay wins, and this morning, with one hour to go on an American auction which I will probably win, I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and sign up with PayPal, so I don't have to spend extra money on money orders and postage to pay for my overseas purchases. Goodness only knows where that will lead to. Now it makes it so much easier to pay, I hope I can control my overseas bidding...but there is so much good stuff out there..sigh..
Well, it is now just past 12 noon. I feel a bit better for having got all that off my chest, so I guess I'll make myself a bit of lunch and make those phone calls after all!