So much for taking time off work to have a rest. Ken said tonight "I thought you were going to stay at home and do some stitching and reading?" to which I replied "So did I. Never mind, there's always next week". But as I often tell myself, 'famous last words'. Next week's diary is again filling up!
Okay it has been busy, but I have enjoyed every day of the past week. On Monday (public holiday) Ken and I visited a place called "Garden World" about an hour's drive from our place. It is a HUGE nursery, but not just a nursery. As well as the usual plants and gardening stuff, they have a section on water features/fountains, which is absolutely stunning. We wandered around, wondering where in our newly landscaped back yard we might be able to fit an artificial rockwall and waterfall...
Then we visited the orchid display, followed by the Bonsai section. Ken ooed and aahed over the dear little trees, and ended up buying one. Finally we stopped for a coffee in their cafe. Great day, but we were both glad to get home and put our feet up!
On Tuesday, with Ken back at work, I did some housework and shopping in the morning, and then headed across town to pick up some linen I'd won on eBay from a lady in a nearby suburb. I was going to pop in to visit
Sharon, but ran out of time. That will have to be next week, providing she is available when I am!
On Wednesday morning I had some messages to run, and in the afternoon, a two hour training session for work. That had been scheduled on my work roster for a month, and I could have refused to attend it after I got my leave approved, but I decided to attend, as (a) I enjoy the training that my employers provide and (b) we get paid for going, so who am I to miss out on two hours pay??
Thursday is my weekly shopping day in the morning. After that I went to a friend's place for lunch - she has not long been out of hospital, and is bored stiff with her own company! In the afternoon I visited one of my Japanese Do Care clients, who was also pleased to have my company for a few hours.
On Friday, I went to the Good Food & Wine Show at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, with my friend Helen. She had been to this show the previous two years, but I was unable to accompany her as I was working. However this year, having the day free, I asked if she wanted to go again, and she did, so off we went at 9 am. It was okay I guess, but for the admittance price of $21.50 plus $20 parking (five hours) I thought it was overpriced. But I suppose I am biased. I pay the same to go to the Stitches & Craft Show at the same venue, and don't bat an eyelid at the cost! Now I do love to cook, and it was fun to taste a whole lot of gourmet bits and pieces, as well as a couple of wines, but I am not a wine buff, and as I was driving, I had no intention of getting tipsy on tasting, so I only had three 'tastes' for the day. We attended one of the celebrity cooking demonstrations, with two young blokes by the names of Curtis and Ben. I'd never heard of them, but apparently they are quite famous, and they obviously think they are pretty good themselves. They did manage to cook some stuff, but they messed around so much trying to be funny, I didn't learn anything at all. In a direct contrast, Helen and I later sat down to rest our feet, and it happened to be where a man was demonstrating cooking using Asian ingredients. There were about 20 chairs in front of his little stage, and a dozen or so people sitting there. He'd just started as we sat down, so we stayed for the whole demo, and I learnt more in that 20 minutes than I had after nearly an hour with the so-called celebrity chefs.
Well, that was my week. It will be interesting to see what next week brings. Already two days are tied up, with a couple of promises for the others...bleah!!
Wish I didn't have to go back to work!