Ken and I have been laid low this past week by the cold virus that is doing the rounds. We both had time off work, and spent most of it in front of the fire watching the Olympics (when we felt well enough to get out of bed, that is). So this weekend was spent fairly quietly too, although Ken got up all enthusiastic this morning, deciding that as it wasn't raining, he felt well enough to do all the odd jobs that needed doing around the house. He added some waterproofing materials to the aviaries, fixed a problem with the side gate, and fiddled around with his bikes in the garage. But by 4 pm this afternoon...
..he was stuffed!!
By comparison, I had a nice restful day. I did some stitching (which can be seen
here) and I made some Lemon Butter/Curd. Thanks to our four hens, we have a glut of lovely fresh eggs; they are laying two or three eggs every day! And we've had several bags of lemons given to us in recent weeks, so I decided to put them to good use. I've been meaning to make this for ages, ever since I saw it in my favourite monthly food mag. Mind you, I've got the recipe a hundred times elsewhere, but you cooks know how it is - if you see the same old recipe in a new magazine, it suddenly looks delicious!!
We had some spread on English muffins for an afternoon snack, and I'm planning to make a Lemon Slice in the next few days. Anyone want to drop by for a cuppa this week?