Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Vale Elsie.

If you are extremely observant, you may have noticed a change in my Profile description above. "We have no children, but we have a cat and aviaries, etc." I have deleted the "elderly dog". Two weeks ago, we took Elsie to the vet, who gave her medication for arthritis and dementia (seriously - apparently there is such a thing as doggy dementia), and he said if there is no improvement in two weeks, we should re-assess the situation. We returned to the vet yesterday and it was agreed that there was nothing more we could do for her, so...guess I don't need to go into detail.

Ken had to carry her from the car into the waiting room, and kept her on his lap for the half hour we were waiting. Other people came and went with their pets, and one jovial man with his pup was commenting on everyone else's pets. He turned to us and looking at Elsie said "She doesn't look too happy", to which I replied "You probably won't either, when you are 140 years old". He didn't have an answer to that, but it wasn't until a few minutes later when the vet called us in and made some comment about Elsie being 18 years old, that the penny dropped with the other bloke and he gasped "Eighteen???" When we came out of the surgery without Elsie, the other people in the waiting room went very quiet. Earlier, a lady had gone in with her dog, and come out alone in floods of tears. I said to the receptionist "Two in a row must be pretty hard for Dr.S" and she said "It's been a real bad morning actually". I hate to think what she meant by that....


Blogger Sharon said...

Oh G I am so sorry... You know I need to say no more...There are no words that will suffice.. Elsie had a very good life with you and K. All our love and hugs at this time... xxx

Monday, 04 August, 2008  
Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said...

Oh Gina, I am so sorry. I know Elsie will always be with you, though ... in your hearts and memories. Take care, much love, Connie xxx

Monday, 04 August, 2008  
Blogger Pear tree cottage! said...

O! Gina & Ken We are so sorry that Elsie has gone...........What a lovely dog and to think she had 18years of happiness with you two it was sum great life I am sure.

We had to do that very trip a few years ago and our dear "Kelly dog" was way too young but we speak of her often as I am sure you will too.

Love and hugs to you both......O! and you are on my blog.


Monday, 04 August, 2008  
Blogger Patty said...

Gina, I just did a search on swap cards after seeing some on another blog and found your swap card blog and noticed the profile change. I am so very sorry. I know Elsie had a wonderful and happy long life with you and your husband. You're all in my thoughts. Hang in there.

Wednesday, 06 August, 2008  
Blogger Anne S said...

Gina I'm so very sorry to hear of the passing of Elsie - she was a beautiful dog. My thoughts are with you and Ken {{hugs}}

Thursday, 07 August, 2008  
Blogger Alice said...

Oh, Gina, I'm so, so sorry. Of course, we tell ourselves that Elsie had a wonderfully happy long life and it was her time to go but it still hurts like the devil. It really is a pain like no other.

I found comfort in James Herriot's (He wrote the "All Creatures Great and Small" books)thoughts that dogs do have souls and that if Heaven is a place where we meet again those we love, our dogs will be there too.

Wednesday, 13 August, 2008  

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