Happy New Year!
One poor little critter didn't have a very good start to 2009. He and his mum fell out of a tree and his mum was killed. But he was rescued and now has a fluffy toy to cuddle while his broken leg heals. Go here to see what I'm talking about - it is soooooooooooooo cute!!!!!
Talking of little critters, we lost some of ours on New Years Eve. Ken went out to check the aviaries before he went to work, as he does every morning, and found the door of one of the aviaries wide open, and most of the finches gone. Next door's cat was strolling around our yard looking pleased with itself. We are at a loss to know what happened; all the aviaries have padlocks on the doors, and they are usually bolted at night or when we go out during the day. We must have just missed this one, and somehow the cat managed to pry it open. Ken wasn't as upset about losing finches as he would have been if it had been the budgies or the chooks. The finches breed like rabbits all year round, so it won't be long before he's got a heap of them, but it isn't nice to know that they have probably all been killed by cats or larger birds like magpies and currawongs.
Oh dear,what a shame. Happy New Year all the same.
Dear Gina ~~ I am so sorry that your finches were lost. Glad it wasn't those well trained budgies. I have
a photo of my son's 4 puppies sitting in a perfect row. I think John may have used super glue. (lke Ken did to the budgies.) Glad you liked the jokes. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.
Happy New Year.
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