This week.
I have been on the go all week. Monday was spent at MIL's house, packing the car with stuff to go to opshops. On Tuesday, Val, Connie and Glenda came for lunch, and we had a lovely day looking at Connie's patchwork, my various craft projects, and just chatting. After they left, I went around to visit Helen for a couple of hours.
Wednesday, I went to Savers to empty the car of all the stuff from MIL's house, and then Glenda and I spent an hour or so there poking around and buying stuff!
Thursday was shopping day, and I also had to see our solicitor about updating our wills. Friday, Sharon and I had a fabulous day at the Craft & Quilt Fair at Jeff's Shed.
There won't be any country trips this weekend. Ken's sister is in hospital with pneumonia, so we will be visiting her at some stage. He also has to put the wheel back on his Suzuki, something he has been putting off (too-hard basket), but knows it will have to be done. Today was a write off, apart from me doing two loads of washing (which will have to be taken off the clothesline and put in the dryer, as it will probably freeze if I leave it out overnight). Our Silver Button Quails have just hatched their first egg, but it is so cold that Ken had to bring the chicken inside and keep it in his warm hands, otherwise it would have died. He has brought the mother quail inside in a bird carry-cage, and put the baby in with her, but we don't know if it will survive. You think ordinary hens' chickens are small? Check this out:

Went out the back yard this morning to find our first daffodil out! Here it is with a background of Cootamundra wattle hanging over the fence from the neighbour's place.
Wednesday, I went to Savers to empty the car of all the stuff from MIL's house, and then Glenda and I spent an hour or so there poking around and buying stuff!
Thursday was shopping day, and I also had to see our solicitor about updating our wills. Friday, Sharon and I had a fabulous day at the Craft & Quilt Fair at Jeff's Shed.
There won't be any country trips this weekend. Ken's sister is in hospital with pneumonia, so we will be visiting her at some stage. He also has to put the wheel back on his Suzuki, something he has been putting off (too-hard basket), but knows it will have to be done. Today was a write off, apart from me doing two loads of washing (which will have to be taken off the clothesline and put in the dryer, as it will probably freeze if I leave it out overnight). Our Silver Button Quails have just hatched their first egg, but it is so cold that Ken had to bring the chicken inside and keep it in his warm hands, otherwise it would have died. He has brought the mother quail inside in a bird carry-cage, and put the baby in with her, but we don't know if it will survive. You think ordinary hens' chickens are small? Check this out:
Went out the back yard this morning to find our first daffodil out! Here it is with a background of Cootamundra wattle hanging over the fence from the neighbour's place.
wow! lovely daffodil! I saw a few the other day as well. yay winter is nearly over, spring is here! [well..almost] the days are getting slightly longer now. can't wait to see the newborn ducklings and other birds around the local pond. your little chick is so so soooo adorable..i hope it'll live
WOW I love the pics. Thanks for sharing. :)
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