We did, but some neighbours in the next street didn't fare so well. Ken was riding back home after filling his bike tank with petrol, and came to a sudden halt when confronted with this:
A giant gum tree had fallen across the driveway of the house, crushing the car parked outside, and ripped the powerlines right out of the house itself. The owner told us he was supposed to be trading in the car on a new one next week, but was philosophical about this, saying he'd get more from the insurance anyway!!
Our weekend was more peaceful, thank goodness! Heavy rain all day Saturday kept us indoors except for a brief foray into the shopping centre, where we bought the DVD of Andre Rieu in Australia,
and a CD of Christmas songs, Aussie style.
The radio stations have been playing them all this week, and Ken decided he had to have a copy of the CD - great for a laugh!
On Sunday, the weather cleared up just in time for us to have a BBQ lunch with friends who hadn't visited us for ages. Ken hadn't fired up the BBQ for over a year, so we were a bit concerned about what it would be like, but it worked just fine and he didn't burn anything - LOL! After the BBQ meat and salad lunch, we sat outside all afternoon nibbling on cheese and strawberries, and drinking wine (the girls) and beer (the guys). The garden had dried out enough to show them the chooks and budgies in their respective aviaries, and proudly collect 2 fresh eggs while we were up there! Nice way to spend a lazy Sunday.
A giant gum tree had fallen across the driveway of the house, crushing the car parked outside, and ripped the powerlines right out of the house itself. The owner told us he was supposed to be trading in the car on a new one next week, but was philosophical about this, saying he'd get more from the insurance anyway!!
Our weekend was more peaceful, thank goodness! Heavy rain all day Saturday kept us indoors except for a brief foray into the shopping centre, where we bought the DVD of Andre Rieu in Australia,
and a CD of Christmas songs, Aussie style.
The radio stations have been playing them all this week, and Ken decided he had to have a copy of the CD - great for a laugh!
On Sunday, the weather cleared up just in time for us to have a BBQ lunch with friends who hadn't visited us for ages. Ken hadn't fired up the BBQ for over a year, so we were a bit concerned about what it would be like, but it worked just fine and he didn't burn anything - LOL! After the BBQ meat and salad lunch, we sat outside all afternoon nibbling on cheese and strawberries, and drinking wine (the girls) and beer (the guys). The garden had dried out enough to show them the chooks and budgies in their respective aviaries, and proudly collect 2 fresh eggs while we were up there! Nice way to spend a lazy Sunday.
Dear Gina ~~ What a lot of damage some of our gum trees do. At least the guy was insured.
I have passed on an award for you at my blog. I hope you enjoy it.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Gday Gina. I drove down to Melbourne late Saturday Afternoon. Oh what a nightmare on the hwy. The rain and the wash from the trucks was a nightmare the visabilty was so bad I missed the Wandong turn off ended up turning off on the Donneybrook rd, wasnt so bad then with little traffic..The drive home was easy Dry Rds and Sushine once we got over the Divide..
I didnt know Ande' Reiu Australian Dvd was out. ill be off tomorrow to try buy it,,Im off for an early night,,
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