I am pissed off, to put it politely. My supervisor called me this morning and asked if he could meet me somewhere for a coffee. I thought What??? but said okay and we agreed to meet outside the post office this afternoon at 3.30pm. At 3.15 he called to say he'd been delayed and wouldn't be able to make it, so had to tell me on the phone what he wanted to tell me in person.
I was prepared for the worst - either my client had suddenly died, or he was about to sack me. It was neither of those, but close. My client of two years has a family who have up to now been supportive and approving of my care of their aunt. One family member was responsible for her up until recently, when he became ill and had to hand over the responsibility to some female members of his family. They would barge in on their aunt unannounced, regardless of whether I was feeding her, showering her, or whatever, and demand her immediate attention for whatever it was they were there for.
I'm not backward in coming forward, as my husband puts it, so I didn't hesitate to put them in their place, i.e. tell them to leave the bathroom until I had finished washing my client, and PLEASE close the door to allow her some dignity. I tried to be polite at these times, but apparently I just wasn't nice enough.
My boss told me they had complained to him about my attitude, and said I treated their aunt like a child, so they wanted my service terminated forthwith, like right now. I told him that I wasn't surprised by this, as the staff of the accomodation facility had already told me they were very annoyed by the attitude of my client's family members lately, but like me, they had to 'button their lip'. The lady in question is in her 90's, not well, and very frail. The family insist on taking her out for hours on end, and she is exhausted for days afterwards. That is something else I warned them about, but they said to mind my own business. Well, not in those words, but I got the message.
Boss was apologetic, and I said not to worry, I know it is not his fault, the same as he knows that I'm in the right, but he has to do what his clients instruct him to do, and in this case - get rid of me. I phoned one of the other carers when I got home, and she was horrified. She said "M. will be devastated - she loves you!"
I'm thinking about visiting her in the next few days (when her family won't be around) and explaining to her that it isn't my wish to 'abandon' her. But I have to be careful. In my job, we are not encouraged - in fact we are not ALLOWED to visit clients after our role as their carer is terminated for any reason. I could get the sack if I caused a ruckus. But as I said to a friend tonight, I'm of an age where I really don't care if I upset people who have done something to upset me. If my client finds out her family have got rid of me, and she makes a fuss, they bloody well deserve it. But my boss would also cop recriminations,and that wouldn't be fair, so I will have to give it some thought.
In the meantime, I am now out of work, although my boss said he will see if he can find more work for me, but I don't hold out high hopes, as it is a small company, and they don't get much work in my area.
Sorry about the rant. So go find a more cheerful blog somewhere..