Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

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Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One week later.

This time last week I was boasting about our perfect weather. I should have known better! Yesterday (Monday) the temperature in Melbourne reached around 45 deg.Celsius in some suburbs - that's 113 deg. Fahrenheit. I spent most of the day indoors with the air con. running, as well as a fan in other rooms if I wasn't in the lounge room where the air con. is situated. I went up to check the aviaries about noon, and refilled the birds' water containers. An hour later, I went to the post office and the fruit shop in the local shop arcade. You could have fired a gun down Main Street - there was not a soul to be seen walking along the footpaths, and the shops were very quiet.
Topsy stayed inside all day, lying in one of her favourite spots behind the curtains in the lounge room. The sun comes in there in the afternoon, but Topsy doesn't seem to mind.

Ken poked his head around the door about 11 pm and said it is still 39 deg. outside. I don't know how people survive without some form of cooling. But we all survived before air conditioning was available on the domestic market. I think I find the heat harder to cope with as I get older. I'm just grateful I don't have to go out to work any more. I do worry about Ken; with his heart/lung condition. He is not supposed to be out and about in extreme weather conditions (very hot or very cold), but he heads off to work every day on his motorcycle, and drives around Melbourne all day delivering urgent blood and other unmentionable substances. He says it isn't so bad because his car is air conditioned. Well, that doesn't help when you are hopping in and out of the car! He comes home dripping with perspiration, and completely exhausted, but after an hour or so of lying on the couch under the ceiling fan, he recovers.

This must sound positively unreal to the people on the other side of the planet. We get daily reports on the Foxtel Weather Channel of the extreme cold in Europe and the USA. It would be great if we could do some kind of weather swap even just for a day - our sun to melt their ice, and their snow to cool us down!

Apart from the weather, there isn't much to write about. We celebrated our 31st Wedding anniversary last week by dining at our favourite Chinese restaurant, and visiting MIL afterwards. She was delighted to see us - she NEVER forgets to send us an anniversary card, and this year was no exception, although Ken's sister organised it for her, as MIL can't get out and buy cards herself.


Blogger Pam said...

Yes, yes, do send us some heat! I'm sitting in my study, all of 15 inches from a radiator, with a blanket round my shoulders, and I'm a bit chilly!

Only a BIT of your heat, mind you. Ten degrees or so. Maybe 20.

Wednesday, 13 January, 2010  
Blogger FredaB said...

Gina that is really hot. I think Arizona is the only state that gets that hot here in the summer. Florida actually stays around a steady 90 usually for about 6 months but very humid and that is what makes it so bad. I have never spent a summer here and don't really plan on it. We have had 2 weeks of horribly cold weather with freezing the last 4 or 5 nights. I worry about the citrus crops and all the growers. One strawberry grower said if he lost this crop he would lose his farm. Said he hasn't slept in nights. My heart went out to him. We just sit here with the furnace on and are really comfortable. Makes me feel guilty.



Wednesday, 13 January, 2010  
Blogger Merle said...

Dear Gina ~~ Happy Anniversary to
you and Ken for 31 years - well done
Isn't your MIL great to remember every year and send cards? Glad your SIL helped her this year.
Hasn't today been wonderful - so cool
after so many HOT days ad nights. I
was getting close to the end of my tether with it. We got a little rain
and I hope the next few days stay cool as predicted.
Take care my friend, Love, Merle.

Wednesday, 13 January, 2010  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Only a radiator, Isabelle? No central heating?? No wonder you're cold! Our heat has gone for the moment. Gone somewhere else, so I can't parcel it up and send it over - sorry!
Freda, our food producers have problems too. Extreme heat and even worse, bushfires - will of course just burn everything beyond selling condition. Like you, I feel so sorry for them. People who work hard all year to raise a food source, to have it wiped out in a day by nature must be heart breaking indeed.
Hi Merle, yes the cooler weather is such a relief, and it is apparently going to stay with us for a week or so. Bliss!

Thursday, 14 January, 2010  
Blogger Crazee4books said...

Hi Gina,

Belated congratulations on your
31st wedding anniversary. That's
quite a milestone in this day and
age. My Phil and I will be
celebrating our 20th anniversary
in May, which was one of the
reasons why I joined Weight
Watchers. I wanted to weigh the
same on my 20th anniversary as I
did on the wedding day itself.

We've had some really cold days
here, but not unusually so. And
there's a warming trend right
now which will see us getting
above 0 degrees Celsius by the
weekend. They're also predicting
freezing drizzle for tomorrow
night. Sounds lovely doesn't it?

I can't imagine heat of the sort
that you're having right now.
We rarely get temperatures past
85 in the summer, which is fine
by me since the heat makes me
itch and my fingers swell.

Our cats love to lie in the sun
too, no matter how hot it gets.
And Phoebe lies on the heat
vent in our bedroom so that when
the furnace comes on she gets a
nice warm belly....and the rest
of us freeze!


Thursday, 14 January, 2010  
Blogger Jeanette said...

Hi Gina.. Im back.Phewwwww we have been having some hotweather but then it is summer . Monday Night we had a low of 29.7c by 9.43am tuesday was 37.4c we got to 44.2c I must say thank heavens for air cons I only ventured outside as far as the pool to have a swim with the kids.. oh boy it was a scorcher today we got to 35.6.. a cool change predicted ill believe it when it comes.

Saturday, 16 January, 2010  

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