Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Walking with a good friend.

When I finished work this morning (only having had one early morning job), I drove home looking forward to a lazy day, stitching, reading, having a nap. Then I remembered what my doctor said about my cholesterol creeping up, and how she told me to start taking long walks every week. So when I got home I phoned Val (ex blogger who lives nearby) and asked what she was up to. She was reading the paper, and was still in her 11 am! I told her to get dressed, cut some lunch and come for a walk! So she did. We met at the Heide Museum of Modern Art - a place not far from us that I have been intending to visit ever since we moved here nearly 30 years ago, but never got around to doing.

This museum started life as the residence of a pair of Melbourne's many bohemian artists who were around in the 1930's. They lived in a farmer's cottage which they renovated

but eventually built another house on the same property. The second home is now a gallery, as is the third more modern building adjacent to it. Heide is located on its own grounds that are part of the Yarra River Trail - a series of parks that follow the Yarra River through the northern suburbs of Melbourne.

Val and I walked along the river banks for about an hour before finding a nice spot to have our lunch.
We were joined by a hungry young magpie.

This place has some weird art in the grounds...

As well as some interesting old buildings:

It also has a historic eucalypt

that is on the register of significant trees because it was important to the original inhabitants of this land.

When we'd eaten our lunch, we continued our walk and ended up at the Art Gallery, which is currently showing an exhibition by a brilliant but relatively little-known Melbourne artist Rick Amor. We had an artistic coffee before viewing the exhibition..

In the foyer of the gallery was a mural, where visitors were invited to have their photo taken for posterity. My face is at the bottom, with Val's just above and to the right of me.

Val is one of the good friends I have met through blogging. We always have such fun when we go out somewhere, even if it is just for a walk. You'll be hearing more about our jaunts in the near future, as we explore more of Melbourne's beautiful parks and gardens!


Blogger Merle said...

Dear Gina ~~ I am so glad that you and Val had a nice day together and it is nice that you live close to each other. She and I are both great Carlton supporters and used to talk football when she blogged.
Your photos are very good too Gina.
Take care, Love, Merle.

Sunday, 22 June, 2008  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi again Gina ~~ I hope you and Val had another good day. I think it was our shortest day today, so they will lengthen ever so slightly from now.
Thank goodness. Take care, my friend
Love, Merle.

Monday, 23 June, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

Love Heide - probably 12 years since I was there and they have done some additions and renovations since then. Must get there. I love the kitchen garden and the land running down to the river on which one can picnic. When I was there they had an exhibition of Dobell paintings which was quite wonderful. Great to see a piccy of Val. Why isn't she coming to Kyneton on Saturday - has she got a good excuse?

BTW, have purchased the ticket and Rob is going to pick me up from the station. Isn't that lovely? I think I'm starting to get excited.

Blessings and bliss

Tuesday, 24 June, 2008  
Blogger Jeanette said...

Hi Gina.Glad you had a lovely day Val. I bet you felt good after that lovely walk and lunch.nice pics of you both...

Wednesday, 25 June, 2008  
Blogger Alice said...

That sounds like a perfect day. How nice to have a friend to call up and meet on the spur of the moment. I love modern art and wish I'd been along on your museum tour.

Wednesday, 25 June, 2008  
Blogger Pam said...

That was so interesting. Thank you for sharing your walk.

Sunday, 29 June, 2008  

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