Patra's Other Place

I started out with Patra's Place, primarily dedicated to my linen collection and stitching projects. But I kept getting side-tracked, so I decided to create Patra's Other Place for anything not related to embroidery topics. So you now have a choice. If you are interested in me, read this. If you only want to see my linen and stitching, visit Patra's (original) Place! (Please note that by clicking on any of the photos, they will be enlarged to fill your computer screen.)

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Location: Melbourne, Vic., Australia

I was married to Ken for 43 years, but he died in October 2022. So I am now alone with two cats, eight hens, and a few finches and parrots in one aviary.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I'm somewhere between atheist and agnostic, so I don't actually pray to anyone or anything. At the same time I respect the religious beliefs of other people, no matter which religion they practice. So, I have no qualms about asking believers to pray to their God for something I think needs all the help it can get. In this case I'm referring to rain, to help put out the Victorian bushfires.

I've had two friends tell me from reliable sources that the number of deaths will exceed 300 in the weeks to come. There are many bodies in the Black Saturday fires that have not yet been identified, and so cannot be included in the official death toll.
A week ago I wrote that it is not over yet. My statement has been proven yet again today, with fires breaking out even closer to the suburbs of Melbourne. The following is the latest news on MSN at around midnight on Monday.

Two firefighters have been injured and at least one house and a fire truck destroyed as a bushfire rages out of control in Melbourne's outer east. The Country Fire Authority (CFA) said the house in Belgrave South had been burned, with reports of others also being hit as the fire hones in on other suburbs in the Dandenong Ranges.

More than 150 firefighters, assisted by aircraft and bulldozers, are battling the blaze, which is threatening homes in Upwey, Tecoma, Belgrave Heights, Belgrave South and Lysterfield, about 40km from Melbourne's CBD. The fire has grown from 70 hectares at 5.30pm (AEDT) to 150 hectares an hour later as a gusty southwesterly change blew in. The CFA has urged residents to decide early whether to stay and defend their homes or flee.

Department of Sustainability Environment (DSE) spokesman Kevin Monk confirmed two volunteer CFA firefighters had suffered minor injuries at Belgrave Heights. Many nervous residents who spotted smoke in nearby areas such as Ferntree Gully have evacuated. The fire came within 30 metres of houses in Glenfern Road, Tecoma, before firefighters pushed it back. "It was here and it's just died," Glenfern Road resident Joe Castro said. "On the north side of Glenfern Rd are all the houses and on the south side is the fire. At one point it reached within 30 metres of the road and they put it out. East of here I can see all the helicopters dropping water. It's as smoky as hell."

The Upwey fire started around 2.30pm (AEDT) and spread through the Birdlands Reserve, pushed along by a northwesterly wind. Three helicopters and more than 30 trucks are battling the blaze, as more firefighting resources move in.
"It's very much the suburbs of Melbourne, it's a huge concern for us. The potential for impact on residents is very serious," CFA deputy chief officer Geoff Conway said.
"It's started to impact on houses in Upwey, Tecoma and Belgrave South. It's currently being affected by the wind that has swung around to the south and southwest. There's still a lot of firefighting to go before we can make this fire safe."


Blogger Jeanette said...

Ohh Gina.. I feel a bit like you .. But I have to say I prayed when I was dianosed with cancer,, and I like a lot of others have friends in different denominations..My brother is a Mormon, friends catholic Etc,,But thats their life and i hope and will ask them to pray for our badley needed rain to help quell these terrible fires...

Tuesday, 24 February, 2009  
Blogger Merle said...

Dear Gina ~~ Another good post about the darn fires. It seems Friday is to be THe WORST day since Black Saturday. So I hope to goodness they can save homes and people. It is ironic that Sat. is last day of Summer. But not the end of the heat and fires. Nice that the kookaburros come to visit for food and water.I pray that you will be safe at your home my friend. Take great care and move out if it get too close.
Much love, Merle.

Wednesday, 25 February, 2009  
Blogger Finding My Way said...

I hope you get much needed rain but please be careful and take care of yourself.

Thursday, 26 February, 2009  

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