Australia Day - 26th January.
(This image and many others, can be found on this website)
This is one of my favourite days of the year. Ken and I invite about ten of our friends over to our place every year on this day, to celebrate being Aussies, and living in what we all agree is the best place in the world to live! I told Ken the other day if I had my way, I'd invite about 50 people over, but he gets stressed if we have more than a dozen, because he thinks we can't accomodate a lot of people, i.e. not enough chairs, too crowded if we have to go inside because of the weather, etc., so I curb my enthusiasm, and we enjoy the company of our usual crew - eating, drinking, talking and laughing over the past year's events. We were lucky again with the weather - it was hovering just under 30 deg.C, and we sat in the shade of our patio umbrella all afternoon. I had printed off some Aussie trivia quiz questions I found on the Net, and we had fun puzzling over some of the questions.
We had a few mad moments. Mal opened a bottle of soda water, which had been shaken at some stage, and it erupted all over me and the kitchen floor. Jen had put a bottle of champagne in the freezer, and when I retrieved it a few hours later, I dislodged a plate which had been sitting on the top of the fridge and it smashed on the floor. Sharon had brought a trifle for dessert, and as I lifted it from the fridge to the table, it slipped from my hands and much of it ended up on the floor. We managed to salvage what was left in the bowl, thank goodness - it was delicious!
Here is the front of our place on the 26th - big flag in one window and two Aussie themed tea towels in the other. We also have the flag flying on a pole in the back yard.
No, we didn't win Tattslotto last week, so we'll just have to survive on what we have for the time being!! But celebrating being an Aussie always makes me aware that we are not badly off at all; our debt is due entirely to our way of life, so we must pay the penalty of living the good life that we are able to enjoy here in Australia.
Methinks someone was sippng at that champagne before it went in the freezer. At least you all had a good laugh at each other.
I had my smocking group over for a June picnic which we always have at my house. One gal bought a frozen lasagna in an aluminum pan and into the oven it went. Well when I took it out hot I never thought of the thin throwaway pan and over it tilted all over the floor. We couldn't salvage any. They still kid me about that.
Dear Gina ~~ I am glad you had a good Australia Day in spite of a few spills. It is great to spend time with friends and share the feelings we have about this country of ours.
Thanks for your comments and who would think of putting s msrble in a sling shot-- but Ken . Guess he deserved the belting for breaking the window. Now his father would be charged with child abuse and kids placed in foster care etc etc.
Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.
I so miss summer. It's current 15 degrees and they're predicting more snow for the week. YUCK. Nice to look at yucky to drive in.
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