I came home tonight feeling quite happy with my little world. It was an interesting day, although my activities would probably bore anyone else to tears! I started the day with my daily morning walk - half an hour with my neighbour D across the road. We don't stop talking the whole time we are walking, so we are both out of breath by the time we get home!
After doing a load of washing and pegging it out (forecast was for a nice sunny day), I drove to a local Centrelink Office to meet a friend who needed some moral support. I had been with M. about a month ago, when she had been highly stressed, having difficulties convincing the Centrelink staff that she was applying for benefits because she was not well enough to work. It turned out that all she needed were some extra documents (birth certificate etc.) so once we got that sorted out, she was able to follow that up herself. Today she brought everything that Centrelink required, and I accompanied her again just in case she got put under pressure again by the staff.
We could not have had a kinder, more sympathetic person to deal with. A man in his 30's, with a warm friendly attitude and a great sense of humour, he had us both laughing nearly all the time we were there, while he quietly entered info. on his computer, and slipped a few non-threatening questions to M. every now and then. He finally presented her with some documents that enable her to obtain a discounted rate on her rent and medications, and he also assured her that her first fortnightly benefit payment would be in her bank within a week. We had lunch together at a cafe, then I went home, leaving her much happier and less stressed than she has been for months.
At home, I had a quick change of clothes, and picked up a few essentials for my next outing of the day - to take one of my elderly Japanese ladies to a specialist. I had taken A. to have some tests in hospital a month ago, and today she was to be informed of the results. The doctor said there was no sign of chronic or serious illness or injury, and that A. was very healthy for her age (late 80's), except for her heart. The doc. suggested A. have a cardiogram, so I made an appointment for her next week, as I will have the time to drive her there again. Even though A. has a discount Taxi voucher, if I drive her, I can be with her at the doctor's rooms, and translate if she has language problems. So after driving another happy, less-stressed friend home, I came back to our home, but not to peace and quiet!
Around 6 p.m. I was looking for the key to our back gate, so I could wheel the rubbish bin out on to the nature strip for tomorrow's collection. The gate was locked and I couldn't find the key. Ken was the last to use it, but couldn't remember what he'd done with it, so we both turned everything in the house upside down, to no avail. A few hours later, Ken wandered into the kitchen with a sheepish grin on his face (don't you love that description in books...baa baa..), holding the missing keys. They were in his pocket all the time. GRRRRRR!! I had asked him hours ago if he'd checked his pockets, and he'd said "Yes Yes, I did that first". Men....do you ever wonder if they really are from Mars as the book says?