It could have been a miserable weekend, if I'd spent the time worrying about work. But thanks to a very special pair of visitors on Saturday night, I was immensely cheered up. Ken wanted to christen his barbecue properly, and didn't want any visitors in case he stuffed up. (Don't know how you can stuff up a barbecue, but that's my Ken). On Wednesday night LeeAnn phoned to see if we were going to be home on Saturday and I told her yes, Ken is planning to cook tea on the barbie, but didn't want anyone to watch. She said immediately "But we want to be there!" and when I told Ken he said "well....okay then". LeeAnn and Rob arrived about 5.30 pm and we already had the meat cooking (marinated lamb, chicken kebabs and of course, good old sausages), the salad tossed, and drinks in the fridge. Ken was disappointed that he didn't have an apron, so I got him one of mine.
I don't know if his face is red from the heat of the bbq, or embarrassment at being photographed in one of my embroidered aprons! We sat outside on the patio to eat, but it was starting to get cold, so we had dessert inside. LeeAnn had brought some delicious cakes from Kyneton, along with strawberries and cream - great way to finish off dinner! Not only did she bring dessert, she also brought a heap of goodies for me - a birthday present she'd been sitting on since my birthday in April! In the parcel were these lovely gifts:
A tiny, very old doll, with handmade clothes, including a cross stitched top, which is why LeeAnn thought of me when she saw it.
Another very old item - handpainted doiley cover. I love these - my mum had one which I still have, but it is not in as good condition as this.
This book is absolutely delightful! I spent much of Sunday browsing through it, and I know I'll be spending many more hours reading it, as there is so much to take in. Not only did she bring these gifts, she also brought a HUGE bundle of old linens and embroidery books and charts that she has been finding at opshops for the past year! If you want to see more of those, you will have to visit
my other blog - sorry! I'm not going to duplicate pictures on my blogs!
Around 8 pm, we'd finished dinner, I'd had a quick look at all my goodies, so we sat down to enjoy some movies and music. The four of us enjoy the same kind of music, which is really great. We sat through an old rock'n'roll movie ("The Girl Can't Help It"), a DVD of Charlie Chaplin, one episode of Hogan's Heroes, a couple of Andre Rieu DVDs, a bit of Glen Campbell, Roy Orbison and Johnny Cash.
Here they are, eyes glued to Andre's orchestra.
Here is LeeAnn at 2.30 am, warming herself in front of the gas fire while enjoying Glen Campbell.
It was great fun, wasn't it, guys! Thank you both for making it so!!