Tonight, I went through my photo albums and boxes of photos that aren't in albums - do you have those? I ran out of time to put photos in albums around 1992. How do I know? I write dates and subjects on the envelopes that the photos and negs. come in, and there are two boxes full of envelopes dating from 1992 onwards. But I am going off the topic - right off, in fact! The reason I was fossicking through the photos was to find some of our pets and native wildlife to post on this blog. I found some, so I will be busy scanning tomorrow and will be able to do what I promised in my first post here.
In the meantime, I decided to write about a book I bought recently. I have never read a Harry Potter book, nor seen a Harry Potter film. I can feel the vibes of shock and horror coming across cyberspace as some of you read that! Well, I don't apologise for it - not having any kids, I'm not exposed to kids books and films like most others of my age, so they hold no particular interest for me. Oh yes, I have been told (and told, and TOLD) that you don't have to be a kid to appreciate Harry P, but there are so many other books that hold more immediate appeal to me, that I have no desire to read HP at this time.
So, when browsing in bookshops, I tend to walk past the children's section without a glance. But one day recently, something caught my eye, and I had to go back for another look. I couldn't believe my eyes - there was a book - on the kids shelf - called "Walter The Farting Dog"!! Now, there is no way my parents would have let me have a book like that when I was a kid - there was no way the censors in Australia would let a book be published with that kind of language in the 1950's! So, fifty years on, I figure I am old enough to cope with whatever was in this book. Well, I stood there reading, and laughed till the tears rolled down my face. S from The Blank Page was in the shop with her daughter, and they stood as far away as they could...can't blame them really. I have the kind of laugh that reverberates around the block, not just the room I happen to be in at the time.
I took "Walter" up to the cashier (who was by this time laughing at me) and said "I'll buy this for my husband - it reminds me of him", at which she laughed all the more, while S pretended she didn't know me! Alas, hubby wasn't amused when I showed it to him. "When are you going to grow up?" he wanted to know. Hmmmm...all I can say is, who needs Harry Potter when you can have Walter The Farting Dog?!